Client Feedback Interviews--a Winning Combination for Everyone by Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing

Client Feedback Interviews--a Winning Combination for Everyone


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It is hard to find a law firm Web site (or any professional service Web site) or firm mission statement today that does not have a focus on "client service." Can you name which firms promise they deliver the "highest standards of service," provide "unparalleled commitment to responsiveness and efficiency" and "a dedication for what matters most to their clients"? If you answered any of the AmLaw 200, you would probably be correct. Now if we asked 100 general counsel "Who actually delivers on their promise?" the response would be quite different. Client feedback interviews represent one of the best measurement tools in finding the answer to such a question. Such interviews are hardly a new effort in legal marketing, yet many are still struggling to implement a process or conduct more than two a year. As I write this, I have just finished the notes from our firm's 65th client interview. I can say without hesitation that the interview program is by far the best and most important initiative we have implemented within our department.

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