The Case of the Demented Spiv is a riveting installment in George Bellairs' Inspector Littlejohn Mysteries series. The story follows the sharp-witted Inspector Littlejohn as he investigates the mysterious murder of a small-time crook, or "spiv," who was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Known for his odd and erratic behavior, the victim leaves behind a trail of perplexing clues and unanswered questions. As Littlejohn delves into the case, he encounters a cast of colorful characters and uncovers a web of deceit, betrayal, and hidden motives. With its intriguing plot, atmospheric setting, and Littlejohn’s methodical approach to solving crime, this novel keeps readers hooked from the first page to the last. Full of Bellairs' signature blend of suspense, humor, and meticulous detective work, The Case of the Demented Spiv offers a compelling mystery that will delight fans of classic British crime fiction.