In The Crime at Halfpenny Bridge, George Bellairs presents another intriguing case for the seasoned and sharp-witted Inspector Littlejohn. The quiet life of a small English town is shattered when a prominent businessman is found dead near the Halfpenny Bridge. What at first seems to be a tragic accident soon reveals sinister undertones, as Littlejohn uncovers evidence pointing to murder. As Littlejohn digs deeper into the victim’s personal and professional life, he uncovers a web of deceit, hidden motives, and dark secrets that lead to more than one possible suspect. The picturesque town is filled with local tensions, shady dealings, and a variety of colorful characters, all of whom might have a reason for wanting the victim dead. With George Bellairs' skillful plotting, vivid descriptions, and clever twists, The Crime at Halfpenny Bridge is a classic British mystery that will keep readers guessing until the last page. Fans of traditional detective fiction will enjoy following Inspector Littlejohn as he unravels this complex and gripping case.