The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict And Victoria Christopher Murray The plot revolves around Belle da Costa Greene, a knowledgeable librarian who secures a prestigious position in the elite circles of art and rare book collecting. However, what remains unknown to her colleagues is that Belle is actually a Black woman passing as white. She works under J.P. Morgan, a prominent figure in the field, and faces challenges and prejudices as a woman in a male-dominated industry. Through flashbacks, the reader learns about Belle's background. Her parents, Richard and Genevieve, had promising lives initially but were forced to leave South Carolina due to racial tensions. Genevieve, determined to secure a better future for her family, passed them off as white when they relocated to New York. Belle becomes the centerpiece of her mother's ambitions. In the present, Belle establishes herself in the art collecting scene, using her femininity and unconventional appearance to divert attention from her racial identity. She faces challenges and threats, including from Anne, J.P.'s daughter, who questions rumors about Belle's background. Belle also develops an emotional bond with Bernard Berenson, and eventually decides to pursue a relationship with him despite J.P.'s disapproval. Belle faces the pressure of maintaining her white identity while navigating sexism in her profession. She proves her expertise during a trip to Europe, outsmarting experienced dealers and collectors and solidifying her reputation. However, Belle realizes that traditional notions of marriage and motherhood may not be viable options for her. The story explores Belle's journey as she confronts issues of racial identity, gender bias, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment in a society filled with prejudice and limitations. Belle's encounter with Bernard in Europe during a supposed work trip turns disastrous when she becomes pregnant, and Bernard refuses to accompany her to a London abortion clinic. Back home, Belle grows weary of pretending to be white and becomes increasingly reckless while dealing with her own heartbreak. Her relationship with J.P. reaches a breaking point when she rejects his advances. Belle finds solace and healing in reconnecting with her father. Here is a Preview of What You Will Get: ⁃ A Detailed Introduction ⁃ A Comprehensive Chapter by Chapter Study Guide ⁃ Etc Get a copy of this study guide and learn about the book.