Mom, What Makes the World Go Round ? by Miss M

Mom, What Makes the World Go Round ?



The world would be a better place if children knew the value and rewards of good and positive energy, verses the downfall of bad and negative energy. At one point every child becomes curious about what makes the world go round or what makes the world tick. Knowing the basics about energy is very fascinating, not just for children , but for adults as well. Energy is our number one resource and everything is made from it. Every move we make, every thought we have, everything we do or use, all energy. We need energy to ride a bike, food is energy for our brains and our bodies. Energy heats up our house in the winter, and cools our house in the summer. Good and positive children, become good and positive adults. Bad and negative children, become bad and negative adults. Nothing happens without energy. Energy makes the world go round.

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