The War Against God by Miss M

The War Against God



Tobacoo is the biggest public health threat in the world. 6 million people die every year from tobacoo use and secondhand smoke, costing almost 300 billion a year for lost productivity, healthcare expenditures, and secondhand smoke expenditures. Tobacoo is the number one cause of preventable deaths. In the 20th century tobacoo caused 100 million deaths. There are no safe levels of secondhand smoke.

2.5 million people die from alcohol-related deaths each year. Alcohol-related deaths from violence, road accidents, and diseases kill more than AIDS. Alcohol is the 3rd leading cause of preventable deaths.

The Billion-Dollar Crop. The crop that could get this country out of dept, cover healthcare expenditures, help our schools or even make sure we don't run out of Social Security before some of us are old enough to receive it. The 1937 marijuana tax act, and controversy about marijuana legalization.

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