In the December 2015–January 2016 issue of Survival, François Heisbourg examines the strategic implications of the Syrian refugee crisis; Elbridge Colby and Jonathan Solomon draw up a plan to deter Russia with conventional military forces; Sam Charap warns against exaggerating the hybrid-warfare threat; Elizabeth Pond explains the risks of Ukrainian corruption; Massimo Franco discusses the Pope’s visit to the United States; Theo Farrell and Michael Semple urge peace talks with the Taliban; Nina Kollars describes challenges of technological adaptation in war; Tim Huxley and Benjamin Schreer urge the US and states in the Asia-Pacific to stand up to China; Nien-chung Chang Liao and Dalton Kuen-da Lin propose a rebalancing of US–Taiwanese relations; John Gans contributes a review essay on David Rothkopf’s National Insecurity; David C. Unger, Chris Alden, Hanns W. Maull and Jonathan Stevenson review books on the United States, Africa, Europe and counter-terrorism and intelligence; and Bill Emmott argues that the right questions about China concern politics, and not economics.