Justice League 3000 Vol. 2: The Camelot War by J.M. DeMatteis, Keith Giffen, Howard Porter & Chris Batista

Justice League 3000 Vol. 2: The Camelot War



FLASH BACK! One thousand years from now, the greatest minds of the future brought the greatest heroes of the past back from the dead. Reborn into a twisted era of tyranny, the Justice League overcame missing memories, warped personalities, and bizarre new powers to band together and battle the all-powerful dictators who ruled the galaxies like gods, known as the Five. They blew it. Now the Flash is dead (again). The Green Lantern has been reduced to a flicker of his former self. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are at each other�s throats. And the Five have revealed their secret weapon: One of the supergenius siblings called the Wonder Twins, who resurrected the Justice League from oblivion, has been the League�s enemy all along. But his twin sister Terri is alive and well. With the help of super-science, the Fastest Man Alive is about to be reborn�as the Fastest Woman. And if she isn�t quick enough to defeat the Five, the future�s greatest heroes may have to turn to the past�s goofiest ones faster than you can say �bwa-ha-ha�. It�s time-traveling, galaxy-hopping, gender-bending action as you like it! Writers Keith Giffen (THE NEW 52: FUTURES END) and J.M. Dematteis (JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK) re-team with artist Howard Porter (JLA) �and reunite with Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, the characters that helped make them superstars�in JUSTICE LEAGUE 3000: THE CAMELOT WAR (collectsting issues #8-13).hello

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