Locating Atonement by Oliver D. Crisp, Fred Sanders & Zondervan

Locating Atonement



A Close Look at Atonement's Place in Contemporary Systematic Theology.

In light of renewed interest in the doctrine of atonement—during which a range of "atonement models" have gained momentum among different traditions—it's important to map these models to the broader context of theological thought on this aspect of Christ's work and to show how no single approach has the complete picture.

The proceedings of the third annual Los Angeles Theology Conference seek to identify the place of the doctrine of atonement in systematic theology. Locating Atonement stays away from discussion of theories of atonement, typologies of those theories, and contests among various theories. Instead, its focus is on the question: What else is there to do in atonement theology besides rehashing types and theories?

The twelve diverse essays in this collection include discussions on:
Atonement and the concept of punishment.Atonement and ascension.Atonement and human suffering.Atonement and covenant.
Each of the essays collected in this volume engage with Scripture as well as with others in the field—theologians both past and present, from different confessions—in order to provide constructive resources for contemporary systematic theology and to forge a theology for the future.

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