Dining Guide to Japan by Boyé Lafayette De Mente

Dining Guide to Japan



Dining in Japan is both an art and an adventure-- an experience that is made memorable by the variety of unique dishes, their gourmet quality, and the style in which they are served! With Dining Guide to Japan, you will have an extensive list of Japanese restaurants and exquisite food dishes.

Dining Guide to Japan acts as a perfect Japan travel guide which includes:Dining and Transportation MapsJapanese Dining Vocabulary and Pronunciation Additional Food Vocabulary Detailed Descriptions of Japanese CuisineJapan is literally a diner's paradise, with restaurants featuring the world's leading cuisine, from Chinese, French, German, Greek, Indian, Italian, Korean and Russian to Vietnamese. Japan's traditional food is world famous for its health and longevity enhancing properties and is not all rice and raw fish. In fact, Japanese cuisine is both varied in ingredients and cooking styles, and most foreign visitors quickly develop a taste for such things as miso soup, nori, oyako-don, ramen, shabu-shabu, soba, sukiyaki, tofu, tonkatsu, udon, unagi, yaki-tori… and yes, even fugu, the deadly globefish!

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