This is the original book (Published in 1979 by Listen and Learn Productions of Melbourne but since updated) written to help children cope with separation and divorce. This is a book parents or non-parental adults can use in discussing the issues which face children in this traumatic period.
When this book was first published it sold out almost immediately - reviewers were enthusiastic - and it received wide publicity . It was the first of its kind, (but soon the big publishers came in with "copycat" versions).
Family Law solicitors gave it to their clients. The Family Law Court of Australia recommended it to all. The Family Court counsellors used it. The last part of the book — advice to parents — is a contribution by two of these counsellors, (Now Professor) Lawrie Molony and Robyn Weir,.
Parole officers of the Juvenile justice system used it as a basis for discussing these issues with young people who had gone off the rails.
Young people, of course, can read this book to help sort themselves out. (I should have written that first !)
To the authors surprise at the time, it became used extensively as a discussion point book by teachers and counsellors when assisting young people to get their lives back on track when affected by separation and divorce.