An intriguing account of the role of chance in the structure of the universe.
Constitutes a discussion with Richard Dawkins on the one hand, and advocates of the intelligent design on the other
A new book by the 2008 Templeton Prize laureate Michael Heller in which the problems of chance and probability are seen in light of the advancements of physics and biology. The Author's claim is that chance finds its place within the structure of the universe and cosmic evolution. Heller's insightful remarks may be considered a critique of both Dawkins' 'blind watchmaker' approach and Dembski's 'intelligent design' perspective.
Michael Heller is a cosmologist and a philosopher, the director of the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Krakow, professor at the John Paul II University in Krakow and adjunct member of the Vatican Observatory. In 2008, Heller was awarded the Templeton Prize. He is the author of more than 50 books, including The Sense of Life and the Sense of the Universe from Copernicus Center Press.