Major Obsession by Raymond Turner

Major Obsession



Major Obsession is the story of an African American, who as a teenage combat medic, found himself in the jungles of South Vietnam. Dr. Turner shares his experiences before, during, and after Vietnam. He served in the jungles of Vietnam during the assassinations of both Senator Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Coming home from the war was uneventful and depressing so he hitchhiked to Brooklyn, New York as a teenager and never looked back. Turner sets out to prove to others that they were wrong about him. He tells of his academic and military successes while dealing with PTSD and rejection. As a deeply religious grandson of a Pentecostal minister from Dominica, WI, Dr. Turner hopes that his story can be used to motivate young people who feel dejected and for whom hope appears to be beyond their reach.


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