Sit, Stay, Grow by Angelika von Sanden

Sit, Stay, Grow



Sit, Stay, Grow is a joyful guide to observing and learning with the dog in your life.

In this book, counsellor Angelika von Sanden invites us to face life's challenges supported by our furry friends, but also to join into their playfulness and joy, and to use the daily dog walk as a time for meaningful contemplation.

Across fourteen chapters, Sit, Stay, Grow explores how dogs can inspire us to have fun, teach us how to tackle difficult questions and to take different perspectives. Complete with a short 'Taking a thought for a walk' activity at the end of each chapter, this simple and accessible practice can help you lead a more enriching life.

As well as giving us their unconditional love, in good times and in bad, dogs are great listeners. Observing their habits and how we interact with them, can help us live with less worries and more moments of happiness.

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