In Death Before Breakfast, Inspector Littlejohn is called to investigate a mysterious and brutal murder in a quiet English village where a seemingly routine day takes a shocking turn. The victim, a prominent and well-respected member of the community, is found dead in his home before the morning even begins. Littlejohn’s investigation reveals a web of deceit, hidden motives, and deep-seated rivalries that shake the foundation of the seemingly peaceful village. As he delves deeper, Littlejohn encounters a mix of intriguing characters, each with their own secrets, suspicions, and possible motives for wanting the victim out of the picture. Bellairs skillfully crafts an atmosphere of suspense and tension, capturing the village’s unease as its hidden conflicts are brought to light. With twists at every turn and a lineup of suspects concealing motives of their own, Littlejohn must carefully unravel the truth behind the facade of respectability. This illustrated edition enhances Bellairs' storytelling, bringing the quaint yet shadowed village setting to life. Death Before Breakfast is a classic Inspector Littlejohn mystery filled with sharp observations, complex characters, and a gripping plot, making it an engaging read for fans of traditional British crime fiction.