Airbus A320 Simulator Training by Facundo Conforti

Airbus A320 Simulator Training



Aircraft simulators are an integral part of every pilot's professional life. Within these simulators, pilots learn to manage abnormal operations, not just considering mechanical failures, but any situation that could compromise flight safety. Airline pilots are required to demonstrate their performance in a simulator every six or twelve months, depending on the airline. In these simulator sessions, pilots are evaluated not only on their maneuvers and flight management but also on teamwork, leadership, and decision-making abilities in extremely critical situations. Additionally, simulator sessions are instructional, where an instructor provides specific training to each crew, aiming to enhance their knowledge in managing abnormal operations. A simulator can become your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on the approach you take. In this work, you will learn to give the simulator its rightful place, and it will become your best ally, as that is its ultimate purpose.

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