Social Research Methods : The Essentials by Nicholas Walliman

Social Research Methods : The Essentials


  • Genre Reference
  • Released
  • Size 1.70 MB


Nicholas Walliman is the supervisor in your students' pockets, making sure they understand all the essential methods for successfully carrying out a research project and negotiating the challenges and pitfalls. In this book, he: * Takes students step-by-step through the research process * Helps them formulate clear aims and objectives * Explains all the vocabulary to understand the A - Z of research methods * Ends each chapter with a reading guide for taking learning further with more resources to help get a deeper understanding of the issues discussed * Improves research reports with practical advice on presenting findings in great tables, graphs and diagrams * Opens his office door with reflective questions (and answers) * Delivers the confidence to get started and get finished! Social Research Methods: The Essentials is the perfect starting point and guide for your students' research project.

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