What is Worth While? by Anna Robertson Brown Lindsay

What is Worth While?


  • Genre Philosophy
  • Released
  • Size 4.55 MB
  • Length 40 Pages


What goals and principles should guide us through life's journey? In this inspirational 1893 work, Anna Robertson Brown Lindsay poses the vital question "What is Worthwhile?" to new graduates stepping into the world. With eloquence and wisdom, Lindsay leads readers through an exploration of values, ethics, and the essence of a life well lived.

Writing during a transitional time for American women, Lindsay herself earned a doctorate, achieving the first PhD awarded to a woman by Penn State. Drawing from her groundbreaking perspective, Lindsay prompts self-reflection on how we can live with purpose, compassion, and integrity.

Rather than preaching doctrine, Lindsay thoughtfully examines universal virtues like honesty, courage, humility, and patience. She inspires readers to nurture character, moral fiber, and meaningful bonds with others. Providing profound insights into the human condition, Lindsay's meditations on virtue transcend creed and background.

Breathing new relevance into this rediscovered 1893 work, "What is Worthwhile?" speaks to our contemporary search for meaning. Lindsay's timeless wisdom provides guidance to graduates and seekers from all walks of life exploring what matters most in our fleeting lives.

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