The Gospel of St. John: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus (John 16-21) by St. Thomas Aquinas

The Gospel of St. John: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus (John 16-21)


  • Genre Bible Studies
  • Publisher DigiCat
  • Released
  • Size 6.11 MB
  • Length 20247 Pages


Sharp and pointed, Aquinas’ keen understanding is evident, as he shows the believers in Christ Jesus the way to live. Belief that salvation comes through trust in the atoning death and resurrection of Christ does not imply that His commandments can be ignored. Unless we abide in Him no fruit can be produced, because without Christ we will have no power to follow His commandments, for they are in direct contrast to man’s carnal nature. Be truly transformed by His power, to obey the greatest commandment, which is Love.

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