Review by the author:" Some people doesn't know that life has purpose, the reason of creations and the test to justify faith and prove of eligibility to enter paradise. This book will guide you to understand eternity life". "If you are looking for guidance and truth, here is a great opportunity to know about Islam".
What is in this book
This book is a series of Muslims and reverts guidance to understand more about Islam. It is written to talk about challenges facing Muslims, some relevant tips, and solutions.
The crossroad is a terifying place where deeds are measured and accountable. The disbelievers suddenly realized the danger awaiting them. They had seen the angel of death, the interrogation & punishment in the grave, resurrection, standing on' Mahsyar', and now The CROSSROAD.
A word from the author of the Muslims and Revert Series
"Dear friends, we have just traveled a journey across the future of the hereafter, and it seems that we had depleted our energy to overcome the pressure of life, struggling every day to ensure ends meet. And due to the busy schedule we missed up important things such as: upgrading ourselves with knowledge, solat on time, discipline, and commitment to adhere to Islamic rules"