Works of George Washington by George Washington

Works of George Washington


  • Genre U.S. History
  • Publisher e-artnow
  • Released
  • Size 1.05 MB
  • Length 1147 Pages


47 works of George Washington
First President of the United States (1732-1799)

This ebook presents a collection of 47 works of George Washington. A dynamic table of contents allows you to jump directly to the work selected.

Table of Contents:
- Acceptence of Command of the Continental Army
- Announcing the attack on Trenton
- Circular to the States
- Eighth State of the Union Address
- Fifth State of the Union Address 
- First Inaugural Address
- First State of the Union Address
- Fourth State of the Union Address
- George Washington's correspondence with Joseph Whipple
- George Washington's Remarks
- George Washington's Rules of Civility Traced to their Sources and Restored by Moncure D. Conway
- Journal of George Washington
- July 9, 1776 General Orders
- Last Will and Testament
- Letter requesting dental pincers
- Letter to Charles Carter,
- Letter to Rev. William Gordon, July 8, 1783, on the subject of the nature of the Union
- Letter to Touro Synagogue
- Message to the House of March 30, 1796
- Message to the Senate of August 4, 1790 
- Message to the Senate of August 6, 1790
- Message to the Senate of August 7, 1790 
- Message to the Senate of August 11, 1790 
- Message to the Senate of February 26, 1796 
- Message to the Senate of January 11, 1790
- Message to the Senate of January 11, 1792
- Message to the Senate of January 17, 1791
- Message to the Senate of January 19, 1791
- Message to the Senate of June 11, 1789
- Message to the Senate of March 7, 1792
- Message to the Senate of March 31, 1796
- Message to the Senate of September 17, 1789
- National Thanksgiving Proclamation
- Newburgh Address
- On Maintaining an Army
- Proclamation of Neutrality 
- Resignation as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army
- Second Inaugural Address
- Second State of the Union Address
- Seventh State of the Union Address
- Sixth State of the Union Address
- State of the Union Addresses 
- The Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation
- Third State of the Union Address
- Veto of the Apportionment Bill
- Washington's Farewell Address 
- Washington's Masonic Correspondence As Found among the Washington Papers in the Library of Congress


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