Good writing is at the heart of journalism.
Journalists write for a living. They use words precisely and efficiently. They present accurate, verified information in a way that a mass audience will understand it by reading or hearing it only once.
Such writing takes skill, discipline and practice.
Writing Like a Journalist will give the reader some of the basic concepts of how journalists achieve good writing -- writing that an audience can understand and will pay for.
Chapters topics in this volume include:
• The discipline of good writing
• Mastering the language
• Tools of writing: Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling
• Why journalistic writing is different
• The inverted pyramid structure
• Headlines
• Writing for audio and visual journalism
The book also contains a bonus chapter on the First Amendment with sections on each of the five freedoms protected by the amendment and a section on the history and development of the amendment.
The many multimedia and interactive elements in this book include writing tips by Roy Peter Clark, video comments by First Amendment historian Dwight Teeter, and review quizzes in many of the chapters.