"Toy Train Story" is the delightful story of two toy trains that go on an amazing journey to a magical place called "Tracks No More" where the tracks end and trains are free to explore and have adventures.
Along the way they meet interesting characters and learn about friendship, team work and helping others in need.
The Toy Trains are 3D, computer-generated, cartoon characters that travel over actual scenic backgrounds, photographed in eight western states and Canada, combining to create a realistic look for the imaginative story.
Toy Train Story is based on a photo personalized video called “Off-the-Tracks” which I originally created for my two grandsons. Off-the-Tracks along with a personalized version of Toy Train Story is available as a DVD or HD digital download at www.yourtrainvideo.com.
"Toy Train Story, Finding Our Way Home" is part two of two in the series. Each page of the 38 page moving picture book contains text, images form the story plus a read-along video for that page.