The Fourth Science Fiction Megapack by Mary A. Turzillo, E.C. Tubb, Murray Leinster, Philip K. Dick, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Larry Hodges, Henry Kuttner, George H. Scithers, John Gregory Betancourt, John Russell Fearn, Harry Harrison, Edgar Pangborn, Isaac Asimov & Ayn Rand

The Fourth Science Fiction Megapack


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The Fourth Science Fiction Megapack selects 25 more modern and classic science fiction stories, by talented authors new and old. Authors in this volume include: Mary A. Turzillo, E.C. Tubb, Murray Leinster, Philip K. Dick, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Jason Andrew, Henry Kuttner, Cynthia Ward, George H. Scithers and John Gregory Betancourt, Milton Lesser, John Russell Fearn, Harry Harrison, Isaac Asimov, Ayn Rand, and many more!

Complete contents:

Zora and the Land Ethic Nomads, by Mary A. Turzillo
Food for Friendship, by E.C. Tubb
'The Life Work of Professor Muntz, by Murray Leinster
Tiny and the Monster, by Theodore Sturgeon
Beyond Lies the Wub, by Philip K. Dick
Pictures Don't Lie, by Katherine MacLean
The Big Trip Up Yonder, by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Storm Warning, by Donald A. Wollheim
The Application of Discipline, by Jason Andrew
Tom the Universe, by Larry Hodges
Wild Seed, by Carmelo Rafala
Tabula Rasa, by Ray Cluley
The Eyes of Thar, by Henry Kuttner
Regenesis, by Cynthia Ward
Not Omnipotent Enough, by George H. Scithers and John Gregory Betancourt
Plato's Bastards, by James C. Stewart
Pen Pal, by Milton Lesser
Living Under the Conditions, by James K. Moran
The Arbiter, by John Russell Fearn
The Grandmother-Granddaughter Conspiracy, by Marissa Lingen
Top Secret, by David Grinnell
Sense of Obligation, by Harry Harrison
Angel's Egg, by Edgar Pangborn
Youth, by Isaac Asimov
Anthem, by Ayn Rand

More Mary A. Turzillo, E.C. Tubb, Murray Leinster, Philip K. Dick, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Larry Hodges, Henry Kuttner, George H. Scithers, John Gregory Betancourt, John Russell Fearn, Harry Harrison, Edgar Pangborn, Isaac Asimov & Ayn Rand Books