I Will Not Go the F**k to Sleep by Richard Crasta

I Will Not Go the F**k to Sleep


star4 from 14 ratings
  • Genre Humor
  • Publisher Invisible Man Press
  • Released
  • Size 263.55 kB
  • Length 107 Pages


By a widely published author and father of 3 children, 8 books, and one kicking and screaming Inner Child that refuses to go to sleep or to grow up, this highly varied humor collection (with two pieces about Daddies) imagines:
--What if a child, asked to go the f**k to sleep by its father, came up with imaginative excuses, in adult language?
--A band of 5000 yogis with bad accents flown in from India specifically to balance India’s budget deficit by spilling coffee on their laps at 5,000 McDonald’s restaurants.
--A Nuclear Weapons fire sale to help balance America’s deficit
--Satan, dressed like Mick Jagger, making an impression on Eve.
--An Indian wedding, at which the guests must swing through the trees to get to the church on time.
This short, DIVERSE anthology of politically incorrect humor and satire is a send-up of pretensions, prejudices, and politicians, of Daddies and Indians, Americans and Hollywood, gurus and Genesis, and a raw true story of pubertal disaster: possibly the coolest blend of sophisticated and silly but life-extending laughter that is also probably different from almost anything else you have read. Not for young children, but for adults of all ages who have open minds and a generous sense of humor.
Kurt Vonnegut called the author’s first novel, The Revised Kama Sutra, "very funny." And, as one magazine’s review said of The Revised Kama Sutra, "I Will Not Go the F**k to Sleep" has "no sacred cows whatsoever."
"Goofy, Pythnoesque, and thoroughly enjoyable."--Laurie Boris, Author.
"For the rebel in you. Great style and humor. Thank you for making my day!"--Linda G. Lundy


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