Science and Grace by Tim Morris & Don Petcher

Science and Grace



Jesus Christ is Lord of creation and Christians are called to bear witness to his glory and faithfulness in all things. Yet in recent years, science and Christianity have often been considered two distinct types of knowledge, each self-contained-the truth of one doing nothing to the validity of the other. We are now living in a time of transition from a modern to a postmodern cultural context, and how exactly Christianity and science will influence and be influenced by this transition is yet to be seen. In this transition, the divide that seemed to exist between these two branches of knowledge appears to be crumbling and an apparent "war" between science and Christian theology has started-with many on both sides insisting that a high regard of the one automatically translates into a low regard for the other. More and more the developments of science appear to challenge the basic beliefs of Christianity. Has science gotten off track? Does Christian theology need to be corrected by science? Is there such a thing as a Christian science or is science just science? The shift in our cultural backdrop now provides a valuable opportunity for Christians to examine these questions and to reassess the way we have come to frame science and religion issues.

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