Your immune system has an important job to keep you healthy. What can we do to improve our health and immune response so that our bodies are less prone to viral or bacterial infections? How can we enable our body for a speedy recovery in case of getting such infections?
The answer lies in lifestyle changes that include better hygiene practices, exercise, sleep, and a better diet to keep our body in optimum health. This book is focused on understanding the body's immune system, factors that improve the body's immune response, and some of the natural remedies and helpful recipes. Many natural substances have anti-viral, and anti-viral properties and also help improve the body's immunity. Incorporating these substances as part of diet or supplements may improve the body's ability to fight viral infections such as flu, H1N1, SARS virus and the novel coronavirus.
The book contains:
•Overview of the human immune system, how immune system is compromised and list of some of the common autoimmune conditions
•Factors affecting immune response such as
oExercise and physical activity
oBetter sleep practices
oReducing stress
oBetter hygiene practices
•Natural substances that fight viral, fungal and bacterial infections
oSpices – garlic, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, clove, curry powder
•Supplements that may help improve the immune system
oEchinacea, cat's claw, goldenseal, eucalyptus, elderberry, CBD oils
•Recipes that may improve immunity and help a speedy recovery. The recipes included in the book uses anti-bacterial and anti-viral spices and herbs as well as ingredients that fight inflammation and contains antioxidants.
•Scientific studies and references
Fighting the virus contain a lot of useful information that will help you in improving your health and wellness and will better prepare your body to fight off infections.