Building Champions by Jamy Bechler

Building Champions



Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be a champion? Good news! Champions are not born. They are built through the development of foundational principles of success. It’s never too late to start becoming a champion. You can be a champion. Champions have a mentality that helps them face challenges head-on. Champions celebrate successes and learn from all of their experiences. True champions earn success in many areas. The daily habits that you develop will lead to consistent championship behaviors. Success is a choice. What choice will you make today? Choose to be a champion! This book provides the insights and principles to help an individual become a champion. You will get 26 principles that will help you understand how to be successful on and off the playing field. This book might be easy to read but it packs a punch. Student-athletes will enjoy the stories while gaining insights to give them an edge as they seek to maximize their success.

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