This manual is a guide for commanders and instructors in presenting instruction and training in the mechanical operation of the M1 rifle. It includes a detailed description of the rifle and its general characteristics; procedures for disassembly and assembly; methods of loading; an explanation of functioning; a discussion of stoppages and immediate action; a description of the ammunition; and instructions on the care and cleaning of both the weapon and ammunition.
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1. Introduction
1. Purpose and Scope
2. Importance of Mechanical Training
3. Description of the Rifle
4. General Data
Chapter 2. Mechanical Training
5. Disassembly and Assembly
6. Clearing the Rifle
7. Disassembly Into the Three Main Groups
8. Disassembly of the Barrel and Receiver Group
9. Assembly of the Barrel and Receiver Group
10. Assembly of the Three Main Groups
11. Test for Correct Assembly
Chapter 3. Operation and Functioning
12. Loading the Rifle
13. Unloading the Rifle
14. Loading Rounds Into a Clip
15. Functioning of the Rifle
Chapter 4. Stoppages and Immediate Action
16. Stoppages
17. Immediate Action
18. Misfire, Hangfire, and Cookoff
19. Malfunctions
Chapter 5. Maintenance
20. General
21. Cleaning Materials, Lubricants, and Equipment
22. Cleaning the Rifle
23. Normal Maintenance
24. Special Maintenance
Chapter 6. Ammunition
25. General
26. Description