How Chinese Teach Mathematics: Perspectives From Insiders by Lianghuo Fan, Ngai-Ying Wong, Jinfa Cai & Shiqi Li

How Chinese Teach Mathematics: Perspectives From Insiders


  • Genre Mathematics
  • Publisher World Scientific
  • Released
  • Size 26.26 MB
  • Length 591 Pages


This unique book represents another concerted research effort concerning Chinese mathematics education, with contributions from the world's leading scholars and most active researchers. The book presents the latest original research work with a particular focus on the "teaching" side of Chinese mathematics education to a wide international audience. There are mainly three sections in the book. The first section introduces readers to a historical and contemporary perspective, respectively, on traditional mathematical teaching in ancient China and on how modern Chinese mathematics teachers teach and pursue their pre-service training and in-service professional development. The second section presents studies investigating a wide range of issues at both the macro- and micro-levels on how Chinese mathematics teachers teach mathematics. The third section focuses on Chinese mathematics teachers, investigating issues about their knowledge, belief, teacher training and professional development. Like its predecessor, How Chinese Learn Mathematics: Perspectives from Insiders, this book is a must for educational researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers who are interested in knowing more about mathematics teaching, teachers, teacher education and professional development concerning Chinese teachers and learners.Contents: Focusing on Chinese Mathematics Teaching, Teachers and Teacher Education: An Introduction Historical and Contemporary Perspectives: The Wisdom of Traditional Mathematical Teaching in China (DAI Qin and CHEUNG Ka Luen) How Chinese Teachers Teach Mathematics and Pursue Professional Development: Perspectives from ContemporaryInternational Research (FAN Lianghuo, MIAO Zhenzhen and MOK Ah Chee Ida) Understanding the Chinese Ways of Teaching Mathematics: Mathematics Teaching in a Chinese Classroom: A Hybrid-Model Analysis of Opportunities for Students' Learning (HUANG Rongjin, MILLER L Diane and TZUR Ron) Achieving Coherence in the Mathematics Classroom: Toward a Framework for Examining Instructional Coherence (WANG Tao, CAI Jinfa and HWANG Stephen) Elementary School Teachers' Instruction in Measurement: Cases of Classroom Teaching of Spatial Measurement in Taiwan (HUANG Hsin-Mei E) Pedagogical and Curriculum Potentials of Homework: A Case Study about Geometric Proofs in Shanghai (FANG Yanping) Teaching Calculation of Time Intervals: Comparing Mathematics Competence of Students in Macau, Hong Kong and the Netherlands (LI Titus Siu Pang) Teaching Number Sense via Interactive Multimedia in a Primary School in Taiwan (YANG Der-Ching, CHEN Pei-Chieh, TSAI Yi Fang and HSIEH Tien-Yu) Teaching Geometrical Theorems in Grade 8 Using the “Shen Tou” Method: A Case Study in Shanghai (DING Liping, JONES Keith and ZHANG Dianzhou) Implementation of Objectives Based on the Curriculum Standards: A Case of Teaching Using Letter to Represent Number at a Chinese Primary School in Chinese Mainland (HUANG Xingfeng, YANG Jinglei and LI Shiqi) Chinese Project-based Classroom Practices: Promoting Students' Engagement in Mathematical Activities (XU Binyan and ZHU Guangtian) A Large-Scale Video Survey on Taiwanese Fourth-Grade Classrooms of Mathematical Teaching Behaviors (LEE Yuan-Shun and LIN Fou-Lai) Features of Exemplary Lessons under the Curriculum Reform in Chinese Mainland: A Study of Thirteen Elementary Mathematics Lessons (MA Yunpeng and ZHAO Dongchen) Qingpu Mathematics Teaching Reform and Its Impact on Student Learning (GU Lingyuan, YANG Yudong and HE Zhenzhen) Chinese Mathematics Teachers, Teacher Education and Teacher Professional Development: Beliefs, Knowledge and Teaching: A Series of Studies about Chinese Mathematics Teachers (ZHANG Qiaoping and WONG Ngai-Ying) What Makes a Master Teacher? A Study of Thirty-One Mathematics Master Teachers in Chinese Mainland (FAN Lianghuo, ZHU Yan and TANG Caibin) Chinese Teachers' Mathematics Beliefs in the Context of Curriculum Reform (CHEN Qian and LEUNG Koon Shing Frederick) "Same Content...

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