Looking Unto Jesus by Isaac Ambrose

Looking Unto Jesus



In this classic work of Puritan devotion, Isaac Ambrose guides readers through a comprehensive exploration of the life and work of Jesus Christ. Divided into nine books, each focusing on a different aspect of Christ's ministry, from his birth to his second coming, Ambrose encourages believers to fix their eyes on Jesus as the author and finisher of their faith. Through a series of meditations, exhortations, and practical applications, readers are invited to know, consider, desire, hope in, believe in, love, rejoice in, call on, and conform to Jesus in every stage of his redemptive work. — Isaac Ambrose (1604-1664) was an English Puritan divine and author. He served as a minister in Lancashire and was known for his deeply spiritual writings and his commitment to the Reformed faith. Ambrose's works have been treasured by Christians for centuries as a source of encouragement and guidance in their walk with Christ.

More Isaac Ambrose Books

  • Meditation


    Charles H. Spurgeon, Thomas Watson, Thomas Manton, Isaac Ambrose, William Bates, George Swinnock, Edmund Calamy, John Owen, Arthur W. Pink & Jonathan Edwards


  • Free Grace Broadcaster - Issue 210 - Day of Judgment

    Free Grace Broadcaster - Issue 210 - Day of Judgment

    Isaac Ambrose, Abraham Booth, John Newton, Edward Payson, Jonathan Edwards, William Plumer, J. C. Ryle, Samuel Davies & David Martyn Lloyd-Jones

    Bible Studies

  • God's Eternal Purpose

    God's Eternal Purpose

    David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Charles H. Spurgeon, Patrick Gillespie, Peter Bulkeley, R. B. C. Howell, Arthur W. Pink, Thomas Brooks, A. A. Hodge & Isaac Ambrose

    Religion & Spirituality

  • Free Grace Broadcaster - Issue 225 - The Work of Christ

    Free Grace Broadcaster - Issue 225 - The Work of Christ

    William S. Plumer, Isaac Ambrose, John Flavel, Wilhelmus à Brakel, A. A. Hodge, Octavius Winslow, Thomas Watson & John Gill

    Religion & Spirituality

  • Ascension


    Charles H. Spurgeon, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Isaac Ambrose, William S. Plumer, John Gill, Arthur W. Pink, Jonathan Edwards, John Flavel & Edward Payson

    Religion & Spirituality

  • Portavoz de la Gracia - Número 219s - La persona de Cristo

    Portavoz de la Gracia - Número 219s - La persona de Cristo

    William S. Plumer, Isaac Ambrose, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Thomas Brooks & Octavius Winslow

    Religion & Spirituality

  • La obra de Cristo

    La obra de Cristo

    John Flavel, Isaac Ambrose, William S. Plumer, John Gill, Thomas Watson, Wilhelmus à Brakel & Octavio Winslow

    Religion & Spirituality

  • El propósito eterno de Dios

    El propósito eterno de Dios

    David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Charles H. Spurgeon, Patrick Gillespie, Peter Bulkeley, R. B. C. Howell, Arthur W. Pink, Thomas Brooks, A. A. Hodge & Isaac Ambrose

    Religion & Spirituality

  • La deidad de Cristo

    La deidad de Cristo

    Isaac Ambrose, Charles Hodge, Thomas Brooks, Octavius Winslow, W. G. T. Shedd, Arthur W. Pink, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones & Charles H. Spurgeon

    Religion & Spirituality

  • Looking Unto Jesus

    Looking Unto Jesus

    Isaac Ambrose


  • Meditación


    Charles H. Spurgeon, Thomas Watson, Thomas Manton, Isaac Ambrose, William Bates, George Swinnock, Edmund Calamy, John Owen, Arthur W. Pink & Jonathan Edwards


  • The Christian Warrior

    The Christian Warrior

    Isaac Ambrose

    Religion & Spirituality

  • The Digital Puritan - Vol.IV, No.2

    The Digital Puritan - Vol.IV, No.2

    Stephen Charnock, Richard Baxter, William Bridge, Isaac Ambrose, George Whitefield & John Howe

    Religion & Spirituality

  • The Christian Warrior - Wrestling with Sin, Satan, the World and the Flesh.
  • Dia a dia com os puritanos ingleses

    Dia a dia com os puritanos ingleses

    Publicações Pão Diário
