The Cooper Hill Stylebook by Gregory Heyworth

The Cooper Hill Stylebook


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  • Genre Writing
  • Released
  • Size 208.21 MB


Now in its 3rd edition, The Cooper Hill Stylebook is the classic high school and college revision manual. It’s a 580-page, practical, step-by-step how-to for every writer. Based on 70 years of experience in high school and university classrooms, The Stylebook helps teachers cut correcting time in half and turns students into independent learners with all the revision expertise they need immediately at their fingertips.
• FAQ at the beginning of each chapter anticipates questions and defines terms in student-friendly, classroom-tested language.
• Explanations to grammar/writing problems use short sentences that define terms and avoid jargon.
• 1500+ humorous and topical examples illustrate and correct errors.
• Up to 50 exercises follow each part of every chapter to provide practice. The 1000+ exercises are drawn from the arts, humanities, sports, sciences, and pop culture and represent actual student mistakes.
• See Answer after each question provides immediate answers and explanations.
• Includes a ready-made unit on rhetorical fallacies for courses in journalism and media studies.
For Video Reviews: For Instructor Guided Tour:
For Student Guided Tour: 

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