God's Way of Holiness by Horatius Bonar

God's Way of Holiness



Another quality eBook from Chapel Library! God's Way of Holiness looks at sanctification--the process by which the Holy Spirit conforms a believer's life to the will of God. Horatius Bonar (1808-1889) looks at the new life in the believer, which is the ground of holiness. He looks at Christ's work for us and the Spirit in us and what that means for our holiness. Then he goes on to topics such as "The Root and Soil of Holiness," "Strength against Sin," "The Cross and Its Power," "The Saint and the Law," "The Saint and the Seventh Chapter of Romans," "The True Creed and the True Life," and, finally, "Counsels and Warnings" related to holiness in the believer's life. Be challenged and refreshed by this careful look at the doctrine of sanctification!

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