A Sneaking Suspicion by John Dickson

A Sneaking Suspicion



John Dickson's engaging evangelistic book for young people discusses things that matter—things like life, death, relationships, sex, suffering, meaning and God—things that are important but which we don't often talk about.

The book is in three parts. In Part 1 John looks at some of the things that the world tells us about sex (Is sex more like a Porsche or a Datsun?), beauty (Have I got 'the look' or has it got me?) and morality (Whatever happened to right and wrong?). He shows how the world has got it wrong and that God's perspective is so much better. In Part 2 he deals with a number of stumbling blocks which sometimes prevent people from trusting God (Didn't science get rid of God? How can I trust the Bible? Where is God when it hurts? What about other religions? Won't God accept me if I'm good enough?) 

In Part 3, John looks at the 'guts of it all'—life, death, God and forgiveness. 

The book also contains a study guide to help readers to think more about and discuss the issues raised in the book. 

Books that are clear, readable, suitable for young people and evangelistic are few and far between. A Sneaking Suspicion is a great one. Use it as a giveaway for the non-Christian newcomer, or take the whole group (Christians and non-Christians) through it. All will benefit from the clear presentation of the gospel and down-to-earth practical advice on the important issues of life.

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