A Cafe in Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal, Volume 11 by Anaïs Nin

A Cafe in Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal, Volume 11


  • Genre Essays
  • Publisher Sky Blue Press
  • Released
  • Size 1.99 MB
  • Length 150 Pages


Volume 11 of A Café in Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal contains excerpts from the unpublished diary of Anais Nin, topics of which include living in 1950s America, Nin's hateful relationship with Helba Huara, and fears of the havoc that publishing her diary could bring. The lead article involves a relatively unknown "scandal" in 1955, which centered on the release of a book entitled 'My Friend Henry Miller' by Miller's old pal Alfred Perles, in which the "secret" romantic relationship between Nin and Miller in 1930s Paris is revealed and how Nin desperately tried to have her name removed from the text. A series of letters by Nin, Miller, Perles and others give the reader an inside look of how what should have been a minor event instead resulted in a censored version of the Perles book, resulting in a lifelong bitterness towards Nin by Miller. Articles on the theme of incest in the works of both Nin and Lawrence Durrell appear in this issue, as well as memoirs, poetry, and web items of interest.

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