Of the Just Shaping of Letters by Albrecht Dürer

Of the Just Shaping of Letters


  • Genre Education
  • Released
  • Size 4.33 MB


Albrecht Dürer was a German painter, engraver, printmaker, mathematician, and theorist from  Nuremberg. He lived from May 21, 1471 to April 6, 1528  Download a copy Of The Just Shaping of Letters today! Excerpt Since architects, painters & others at times are wont to set an inscription on lofty walls, it will make for  the merit of the work that they form the letters correctly. Accordingly I am minded here to treat briefly of  this. And first I will give rules for a Latin Alphabet, and then for one of our common Text: since it is of  these two sorts of letters we customarily make use in such work; and first, for the Roman letters: Draw  for each a square of uniform size, in which the letter is to be contained. But when you draw in it the  heavier limb of the letter, make this of the width of a tenth part of the square, and the lighter a third as  wide as the heavier: and follow this rule for all letters of the Alphabet.  All reviews/ratings are appreciated :)

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