Always a Bridesmaid by Kristin Hardy

Always a Bridesmaid


  • Genre Contemporary Romance
  • Publisher HarperCollins Australia
  • Released
  • Size 991.51 kB
  • Length 263 Pages


Shy and inexperienced, Jillian Logan had walled herself off from everything—especially men. But when she was paired with usher Gil Reynolds at a wedding, there was no mistaking the unexpected sparks that melted even Jillian's protective reserve.

Brash and handsome, Gil was used to getting whatever he wanted. And the stunning social worker represented a challenge that he couldn't resist. But Jillian was shocked to learn Gil's secret: He was involved in a scandal that had torn her beloved family apart. Gil wanted to make amends, but could Jillian truly forgive and forget—and admit that she was falling in love?


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