Nemesis's adventure comes to a startling end as he finds himself up against...himself?! He's finally discovered who's behind the mysterious Council, but will he survive their dark plans for him?
Geoff Johns, David F. Walker, Chuck Brown, John Layman, Ivan Brandon, Skottie Young, Brenden Fletcher, Patrick Kindlon, Dean Haspiel, Andrea Mutti, Zoe Thorogood, Tula Lotay, Simon Gane, Katie Skelly, Andy MacDonald, Erica Henderson, Maurizio Rosenzweig & Sanford Greene
Kelly Sue DeConnick, Emi Lenox, Ivan Brandon, John Arcudi, John Layman, Geoff Johns, Brenden Fletcher, Patrick Kindlon, Skottie Young, Dean Haspiel, Andy MacDonald, Doug Mahnke, Emma Rios, Andrea Mutti, Erica Henderson & Maurizio Rosenzweig