Can a bad witch go good in thirteen steps? Not if Lucifer has his way with her!
In a room full of witches, you’d think I wouldn’t stand out. You’d be wrong.
My name is Amy Atwood and I’m a witch. Not one of those goodie-two-shoes Wiccans. No, I’m a Satan-worshipping, Devil-made-me-do-it witch.
However, after catching Lucifer performing a particularly wicked hex act with Emilia, my sister—a tried and true Wiccan—I turned my back on the Devil. I didn’t exactly expect him to be faithful, but bewitching it with my sister? High ick factor.
So, I swore an oath. No more casting spells to entertain him. No more curses to carry out his desires, and no more gathering of souls. No more witchery of any kind. Witches Anonymous here I come…
Lucifer, however, isn’t about to be nice about letting me go. Witches Anonymous or not, I’m up to my wicked black hat in trouble of Biblical proportions…