Guerrilla Achiever by Douglas Vermeeren

Guerrilla Achiever



Do you want to achieve more? Do you want to learn the secrets of the super successful? Do you want to reach your goals with ease? In Guerilla Achiever, author Douglas Vermeeren offers high-impact, practical, and proven strategies to help you learn powerful lessons on personal development. During the last decade, Vermeeren has conducted extensive research into the success strategies of more than four hundred of the worlds top achievers, an effort that has earned him the title of Modern-Day Napoleon Hill and has positioned him as North Americas achievement expert. In Guerrilla Achiever, he shares these powerful success strategies, demonstrating what these achievers did to get them to the top. In addition to the four Ps of achievementpotential, possibilities, probabilities, and performancehe provides insight into four more Ps: practice, patterns, preparation, and purpose. Guerilla Achiever presents a fail-safe pattern for becoming a top achiever. It isnt a process of learning so much as it is a process about doing. Achieving is much more than a goal you attain; its a habit you develop.

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