Summer Words, 2000 by Robert Nichols

Summer Words, 2000



It began as a mass attack on writer's block. My strategy: Write a 200 word essay every day during the summer of 2000. What it became, once I dispelled the nonsense of “grander notions of the purpose of art," was this collection of some of the best words I have ever written, such as the following excerpts: And when air is given flight in laughter, and food is given art in flavor, and sex is given bliss in love--we're talking profound existence. / Truth spoken becomes myth. Life given to myth can never know Truth. / And the Poem... how I revel in the wretched-blissful-winsome hilarity of the Poem I live. / For nature, we must show up with a canteen of water and some quiet shoes. / ... what I know most passionately—the incredible significance of a smile. Enjoy!

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