Made to Love by Syd Parker

Made to Love



What happens when Lex’s wayward cousin blows into town and turns things upside down? The answer is…almost anything.
Metal sculptor, Mason Durant, feels at home in her garage, skillfully creating whimsical garden art. When her neighbor and the woman that lets her keep her sculptures in her yard passes away suddenly, Mason loses a mother figure and a place to house her work.
When her neighbor’s daughter shows up out of the blue, the two women butt heads immediately. Marly Cabot just wants Mason off her property and out of her life. Marly is content to deal with her mother’s final arrangements then leave as fast as she came.
But circumstances push the two women together and a friendship of sorts begins. Soon Marly agrees to help Mason win over Lex’s cousin, Nikki. She doesn’t think Mason needs to change, just revamp a little. It doesn’t take them long to realize that there may not be room for a third wheel when love is involved.

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