Pot it There: Container Gardening Even YOU Can Do by Darla Noble & John Davidson

Pot it There: Container Gardening Even YOU Can Do


  • Genre Gardening
  • Released
  • Size 2.02 MB


Pot it There
Container Gardening Even YOU Can Do

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Container Gardening Basics
Chapter 2 A Pot by Many Other Names Can Still be a Pot
Chapter 3 Potable Flowers
Chapter 4 Potable Plants
Chapter 5. Food in Pots
Chapter 6. Caring for your Container Garden
Chapter 7. Pretty Posies
Chapter 8. Closing Remarks
Author Bio

Gardening is one of the easiest and best ways to feel accomplished, work off a bit of stress and make the world a little more beautiful…even if it’s just your own little corner of the world.

Unfortunately, many people think gardening isn’t for them. They think they don’t have room, don’t have a green enough thumb or don’t have the time to garden. Are you one of these people?

If so, this book is going to change your mind and make your world a more colorful, sweet-smelling place and add some flavor to your kitchen.

The room necessary for container gardening can be as small as a ledge on a porch rail or the top of a nightstand. Or if you are fortunate enough to have a deck, patio, porch or even a bit of lawn space, container gardening is an option for you.

As for having a green thumb, don’t worry. It’s more important that you have thumbs (and fingers) willing to get dirty. While it is true that some plants are more difficult to grow than others, there are dozens of plants that require minimal care while still providing color, pleasant scents and even air purifying benefits inside and outside of your home.

The time it takes to plant and care for container gardens is also minimal. Even if you have numerous pots of plants, you will not

have nearly as much time invested in those as you would in-ground flower beds and gardens.

So you see, it is possible for you to enjoy growing plants and flowers in containers…successfully.

If you already enjoy gardening but want to use something besides the standard clay pots seen everywhere and need a little help deciding what can and cannot be successfully grown in pots, this book is going to be your new go-to for creating gardens that will beautify your home and possibly even put food on your table.

This book will introduce you to new and unique options for pots—things you might never have thought of using otherwise. You will also be challenged to get your creative juices flowing in mixing and matching plants for attractive containers that will be the envy of everyone in the neighborhood.

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