The What, How, and Why of Advertising by Dr. Robert C. Worstell & John E. Kennedy

The What, How, and Why of Advertising



John Kennedy, one of the forefathers of modern advertising, was born in Canada and worked there as a freelance copywriter until 1904, when he landed a job at the Chicago office of Lord & Thomas. He was hired by Albert Lasker, then a junior manager, on the strength of a note Kennedy sent him, which read, "I can tell you what advertising is." Kennedy made good on that promise; although he stayed there for little more than two years, Lord and Thomas¿ sales volume went from $2.5 million to $3.2 million by the time he left the company. 

Kennedy went on to hold copywriting jobs at other firms, but his greatest successes were accomplished while freelancing for such firms as Ethridge-Kennedy Company and Lord and Thomas. B.F. Goodrich tires made him a rich man by paying him $20,000 a year to work half time, an amazing amount for the era.

Find out how this self-trained copywriter changed the way all advertising is now done. And what you can apply today because it still works…

Get Your Copy Today!

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