Fetched up in the dangerous frontier town of Little Rock, Sister Thomas Josephine - the fabled 'Six-Gun Sister' - finally finds herself on the edge of Indian Territory. But she knows she can't brave her next adventure alone. Allying herself with a drunken bounty hunter and an eagle-eyed tracker, she sets off into the wilderness, drawing ever closer to Abe Muir.
And the more she hears about the gang he's joined, the more certain she becomes that he needs her help. For Abe has fallen in with a terrible man, a man who's committed unspeakable crimes... and word is, he's done it all with Abe by his side.
But as Sister Thomas Josephine will learn, the west is an uncivilized land, and not everything is as it seems.
NUNSLINGER is the nearly-true tale of Sister Thomas Josephine, the innocent Visitantine nun on her way from St Louis, Missouri, to Sacramento, California in 1864. During the course of her journey, however, she'll find that her faith requires her to take off her wimple and pick up a gun...