The Complete Guide to Poultry Breeds by Melissa Nelson

The Complete Guide to Poultry Breeds



With more than 500 breeds recognized by the American Poultry Association, there are different feed necessities, housing requirements, incubation times, egg information, and costs of raising just about any of these various breeds. This book provides the details that every potential poultry breeder needs to start creating detailed plans for purchasing, raising, and breeding their new small farm animals. Each breed will be laid out with complete details about everything you need to know to raise them effectively. You will learn exactly which breeds are best for egg production by volume and quality and which ones are best for meat by taste and quality. You will learn the dietary needs of each breed and what they require from you to stay alive in all four seasons as well. Poultry and small farming experts were interviewed for this book to provide detailed insight into how poultry is selected and raised and throughout the book you will find small bits of information about how each breed is different from the rest, what suggestions are offered for raising that particular breed. You will learn which poultry breeds have been used for hundreds of years. Whether you are starting a farm and need a half dozen good poultry breeds for your coups or are just adding a small area on your property to raise some chickens, ducks or turkeys, this guide will provide everything you need to understand and select the proper breed for your needs.

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