A Legacy of Fifty Years: The Life and Work of Justo González by Association for Hispanic Theological Education

A Legacy of Fifty Years: The Life and Work of Justo González



Edited by Rev. Stan Perea with contributions from Dr. Stephen Bevans, Dr. Carlos F. Cardoza, Dr. Zaida Maldonado-Pérez, and Dr. Marcos Antonio Ramos, this book takes us through 50 years of Dr. Justo L. González’ ministry. The book includes a reflection of Justo, his biography and the conferences of the First Lecture Series of The Justo González Center for Latino/a Ministries, held in 2012 under the general theme: "Justo: His Legacy to the Church." The book includes full text in both Spanish and English.

Editado por el Rev. Stan Perea y con la participación del Dr. Stephen Bevans, el Dr. Carlos F. Cardoza, la Dra. Zaida Maldonado-Pérez y el Dr. Marcos Antonio Ramos, este libro nos resume cincuenta años de labor en el ministerio de Dr. Justo L. González. El libro incluye una reflexión de Justo, su biografía y todas las conferencias de la Primera Serie de Conferencias del Centro Justo L. González, la cual fue dedicada al legado de Justo a la iglesia Hispana/Latina y más allá de ella. El Libro está publicado en español e ingles.

Highlighting the works of hispanic theologian Justo González, this book is the result of the First Lecture Series of The Justo González Center for Latino/a Ministries, held in 2012 under the general theme: "Justo: His Legacy to the Church."

The Justo Center was established in 2011 by the Association for Hispanic Theological Education (AETH) as a centralized resource for Latino/a Ministries to address the need for accessible and affordable Latino-focused and Latino relevant resources.

Through its annual Lecture Series, the Justo Center gathers denominational leaders, seminary professors, directors of Bible institutes, and pastors for reflections on topics relevant to the Hispanic church and community. The Justo González Center is housed on the Dunnam Campus of Asbury Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida.

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