Apex Magazine is a monthly science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazine featuring original, mind-bending short fiction from many of the top pros of the field. New issues are released on the first Tuesday of every month.
We are a 2012 Hugo Award nominee for Best Semiprozine!
Issue 43 features the following content:
Table of Contents
"Blood from Stone" by Alethea Kontis
"Labyrinth" by Mari Ness
"Relic" by Jeffrey Ford
"Blood on Vellum: Notes from the Editor-in-Chief" by Lynne M. Thomas
"You’re Not Supposed to Write That: Taboos in Speculative Fiction" by Vylar Kaftan
"An Interview with Alethea Kontis” by Maggie Slater
Cover art by Aunia Kahn
Edited by multi-Hugo Award-winning editor Lynne M. Thomas