Home Remedies for Toothache: Natural Remedies for Toothache that Work by Connie Bus

Home Remedies for Toothache: Natural Remedies for Toothache that Work


  • Genre Medical
  • Released
  • Size 190.69 kB


Home Remedies for Toothache that Work
Toothaches are a very common problem suffered by a good majority of people today. Pain in the tooth is most commonly a result of tooth decay. Inflammation and pain happens when the hard enamel of the tooth is damaged and allows infecting organisms to enter the tooth. This can be serious, BUT THERE IS HOPE!

Gain Insight Into Safe and Natural Ways to Treat a Toothache
Obviously, you are reading this straight and to the point manual in order to gain some insight into some of the safe and natural ways to alleviate the agonizing pain, embarrassment, and frustration that comes with the problem of having a toothache; a remedy that is not addictive and can be easily administered from the comforts of home. YOU ARE IN LUCK! Ultimately, this book is filled with safe and natural home remedies that are proven to get rid of toothaches, and ease the pain and suffering that accompany this problem.

Learn when you Should Visit a Dentist, and when to Save the Trip
When advanced decay happens, nerves in the tooth can become quite irritated and the sufferer may experience pain lasting for more than a few minutes, or sensitivity to cold, heat, or sweet things. When a filling is broken, the sufferer will often only feel pain when they bite. If you are experiencing either of the issues, it is recommended that you visit a dentist as soon as possible.

You Can Find a Treatment that is Right for You
The treatments this book offers for toothache are comprehensive and simple holistic treatments that are safe, natural, and can be easily administered within the comforts of your own home.

Included in these home remedies you will find:

-Ayurveda - a holistic system of medicine that is traditionally practised in India and Sri Lanka.

-Homeopathy - Like cures like - This is the principle that is adhered to while using Homeopathic methods for treatment, meaning that the treatment given is similar in properties to the ailment being treated.

-Aromatherapy - a holistic treatment using scents. Herbs are used to make essential oils, and then the essential oils are inhaled or applied to the skin.

-Herbalism - the holistic system of using plants for medicinal purposes, and is the oldest, most tested, and proven form of medicine that we know of today.

-Flower Remedies - contain the life force and properties of the flowers that are used to make them.

-and Chinese Herbalism - a holistic system of medicine that attempts to restore balance to the person as a whole, rather than being used as an occasional treatment of a specific disease.

As you can see, there is something that will work for everyone.All of these treatments are safe and have been proven to work in order to help rid the body of the annoying and painful problem of a toothache.

A lot of time, energy, research and love went into the making of this manual; and it is the purpose of this manual to provide you with the easiest, safest and healthiest home remedies for toothache.

It is my hope that you, the reader, achieve the solution to your problem, and I know that you will have great success once you have applied these simple natural remedies for the common toothache.

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About the Author: Connie Bus believes in "Safe and natural home remedies for everyone, for less than the price of a cup o' joe."

Not-so-modern medicine is expensive and focuses on getting rid of (or worse, covering up) symptoms rather than healing the individual who is sick. Often times, the side effects are worse than the original problem. What you need (and what Connie Bus provides) is safer and more natural home remedies that not only treat the problem but also prevent it, and promote a healthy body and mind.

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